// Message Ids
private static final int PAGE_STARTED = 100;
private static final int RECEIVED_ICON = 101;
private static final int RECEIVED_TITLE = 102;
private static final int OVERRIDE_URL = 103;
private static final int AUTH_REQUEST = 104;
private static final int SSL_ERROR = 105;
private static final int PROGRESS = 106;
private static final int UPDATE_VISITED = 107;
private static final int LOAD_RESOURCE = 108;
private static final int CREATE_WINDOW = 109;
private static final int CLOSE_WINDOW = 110;
private static final int SAVE_PASSWORD = 111;
private static final int JS_ALERT = 112;
private static final int JS_CONFIRM = 113;
private static final int JS_PROMPT = 114;
private static final int JS_UNLOAD = 115;
private static final int ASYNC_KEYEVENTS = 116;
private static final int TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS = 117;
private static final int DOWNLOAD_FILE = 118;
private static final int REPORT_ERROR = 119;
private static final int RESEND_POST_DATA = 120;
private static final int PAGE_FINISHED = 121;
private static final int REQUEST_FOCUS = 122;
private static final int SCALE_CHANGED = 123;
private static final int RECEIVED_CERTIFICATE = 124;
private static final int SWITCH_OUT_HISTORY = 125;
这个应该是开始load page了,而且跑到这个地方的page一定要是:iframes or framesets(这两个是什么?),其它形式的页面不会跑这个.
private final WebViewClient mWebViewClient = new WebViewClient()
private final WebChromeClient mWebChromeClient = new WebChromeClient()
分析到这里我们就能理解了为什么说CallbackProxy里沟通WebCore和UI Thread的桥梁了.
创建数据库:mpd –create-db
将所有歌曲加到播放列表中去:mpc listall|mpc add
pjq@gentoo-pjq ~ $ cat /usr/local/bin/pp
# Author: [email protected]
# Created Time: Wed 04 Feb 2009 06:41:20 PM CST
# File Name: pp.sh
# Description:
echo -n Input the Music name:
read music
list=`mpc listall|cat -n|grep -i $music`
echo "$list"
#mpc listall|cat -n|grep -i $music|cut -b-7|while read music
#echo mpc play $music
#mpc play $music&
echo -n Input the Music Number:
read music
name=`echo "$list"|grep $music`
echo "Now playing music:"
mpc play $music
pjq@gentoo-pjq ~ $ pp
<b>Input the Music name:欧美</b>
1521 occident golden records欧美金唱盘/01爱的力量(席琳迪翁).ape
1522 occident golden records欧美金唱盘/03因为我爱你(沙金斯帝文).ape
1523 occident golden records欧美金唱盘/04带走我的呼吸(柏林乐队).ape
1524 occident golden records欧美金唱盘/05卡萨布兰卡(贝特希金斯).ape
1525 occident golden records欧美金唱盘/07此情可待(理查马克斯).ape
1526 occident golden records欧美金唱盘/08奔放的旋律(正直兄弟).ape
1527 occident golden records欧美金唱盘/09爱你在心口难开(劳赛尔).ape
1528 occident golden records欧美金唱盘/10以吻封缄(波比维顿).ape
1529 occident golden records欧美金唱盘/11寂静之声(西蒙加芬克尔).ape
1530 occident golden records欧美金唱盘/12一切都为你(布来恩亚当斯).ape
1531 occident golden records欧美金唱盘/13昨日重现(卡本特).ape
1532 occident golden records欧美金唱盘/14柠檬树(愚人花园).ape
1533 occident golden records欧美金唱盘/15鸽子(胡利奥伊格莱西亚斯).ape
1534 occident golden records欧美金唱盘/16斯卡布罗集市(莎拉.布莱曼).ape
1535 occident golden records欧美金唱盘/17加州旅馆(老鹰乐队).ape
1536 occident golden records欧美金唱盘/18去年圣诞(威猛乐队).ape
1537 occident golden records欧美金唱盘/19巴比伦河(波尼姆).ape
1538 occident golden records欧美金唱盘/20我发誓(四合为一).ape
1539 occident golden records欧美金唱盘/21你的爱有多深(比吉斯).ape
1540 occident golden records欧美金唱盘/22你的每次呼吸(斯汀).ape
1541 occident golden records欧美金唱盘/23甜蜜的一天(玛丽亚.凯丽&男人男孩).ape
1542 occident golden records欧美金唱盘/24航行.ape
1543 occident golden records欧美金唱盘/25鞠一个躬(麦丹娜).ape
1544 occident golden records欧美金唱盘/26说我爱你...却说谎言(迈克尔.鲍顿).ape
1545 occident golden records欧美金唱盘/27无论如何(男孩地带).ape
1546 occident golden records欧美金唱盘/28天使(莎拉.克劳克兰).ape
1547 occident golden records欧美金唱盘/29英雄(玛丽亚.凯丽).ape
1548 occident golden records欧美金唱盘/30玫瑰之吻(席尔).ape
1549 occident golden records欧美金唱盘/31天长地久(丹佛格伯).ape
1550 occident golden records欧美金唱盘/32我相信我能飞(阿.凯利).ape
1551 occident golden records欧美金唱盘/33别让我担心(托尼.布莱克斯顿).ape
1552 occident golden records欧美金唱盘/34迷失的爱(空气补给者).ape
1553 occident golden records欧美金唱盘/35诺言来之不易(卡诺.南汀格尔).ape
1554 occident golden records欧美金唱盘/36无须知道太多(阿隆内维尔与琳达罗斯坦).ape
1555 occident golden records欧美金唱盘/37改变世界(艾力克.克莱普顿).ape
1556 occident golden records欧美金唱盘/38每当我闭上双眼(娃娃脸).ape
1557 occident golden records欧美金唱盘/39当我最需要你的时候(南迪范华梅).ape
1558 occident golden records欧美金唱盘/40风之彩(凡妮莎.威廉姆斯).ape
1559 occident golden records欧美金唱盘/41你仍是唯一(仙妮亚.唐恩).ape
1560 occident golden records欧美金唱盘/42好男人(罗比.威廉姆斯).ape
1561 occident golden records欧美金唱盘/43没有你(玛丽亚凯丽).ape
1562 occident golden records欧美金唱盘/44爱情圣手(萨黛).ape
1563 occident golden records欧美金唱盘/45泪洒天堂(艾力克克莱普顿).ape
1564 occident golden records欧美金唱盘/46情深似海(科里夫理查德).ape
1565 occident golden records欧美金唱盘/47有你相伴(费丝.希尔).ape
1566 occident golden records欧美金唱盘/48你的至爱(格雷佛勒).ape
1567 occident golden records欧美金唱盘/49我将永远爱你(惠特尼休斯顿).ape
1568 occident golden records欧美金唱盘/50也会伤害我的心(阿隆.内维尔).ape
1569 occident golden records欧美金唱盘/51真诚的.疯狂的.深刻的(野人花园).ape
1570 occident golden records欧美金唱盘/52让我拥抱你.宝贝(翠西.查普蔓).ape
1571 occident golden records欧美金唱盘/53无心呢喃(威猛乐队).ape
1572 occident golden records欧美金唱盘/54谢谢(蒂朵).ape
1573 occident golden records欧美金唱盘/55冲破禁忌(菲尔.柯林斯).ape
1574 occident golden records欧美金唱盘/56亲亲吾爱(西域男孩).ape
1575 occident golden records欧美金唱盘/57天堂里的另一天(菲尔科林斯).ape
1576 occident golden records欧美金唱盘/58无尽的爱(莱昂里奇戴安娜罗斯).ape
1577 occident golden records欧美金唱盘/59当男女相爱时(迈克鲍顿).ape
1578 occident golden records欧美金唱盘/60一切都为你(布来恩亚当斯).ape
1579 occident golden records欧美金唱盘/61一无所有(惠特尔.休斯顿).ape
1580 occident golden records欧美金唱盘/62真情自我(克里斯汀娜).ape
1581 occident golden records欧美金唱盘/63亲密接触(洛德.斯图尔特).ape
1582 occident golden records欧美金唱盘/64我该如何生活.ape
1583 occident golden records欧美金唱盘/65只有爱(真情马克).ape
1584 occident golden records欧美金唱盘/66悲伤布兰妮(小甜甜布兰妮).ape
1585 occident golden records欧美金唱盘/67风中之烛(艾尔顿.约翰).ape
1586 occident golden records欧美金唱盘/68世界无限大(艾美莉亚).ape
1587 occident golden records欧美金唱盘/69那是你离去的理由(麦克学摇滚).ape
1588 occident golden records欧美金唱盘/70你并不孤独(迈克尔.杰克逊).ape
1589 occident golden records欧美金唱盘/71我用那种方式(后街男孩).ape
1590 occident golden records欧美金唱盘/72每一次你离去(保罗杨).ape
Input the Music Number:1525
Now playing music:
理查.马克斯 - 此情可待
[playing] #1525/1590 0:00/4:32 (0%)
volume: 80% repeat: off random: off